Faculty Profile Pharmacy

Name : Dr. Ajay K. Saluja
Designation : Principal & Professor
Joining date: 01-12-2020
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD, FIC
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmacognosy
Experience : Teaching :38 Y Research: 36 Y
Email : principal.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 987

Name : Dr. Falgun Mehta
Designation : Professor
Joining date: 15-04-2015
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Quality Assurance
Experience : Teaching : 15 Y 3 M Industry : 6 M
Email : falgunmehta.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 914

Name : Dr. Priyal R. Patel
Designation : Professor
Joining date: 15-04-2015
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Technology
Experience : Teaching : 15 Y 4 M Industry : 9 M
Email : priyalpatel.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 913

Name : Dr. Ashok Mahajan
Designation : Professor
Joining date: 01-09-2012
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutics
Experience : Teaching : 13 Y 6 M Industry : –
Email : ashokmahajan.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 913

Name : Dr. Shailesh Koradia
Designation : Professor
Joining date: 25-07-2011
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Analysis
Experience : Teaching : 11 Y 6 M Industry : 1 Y 3 M
Email : shaileshkoradia.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 916

Name : Dr. Kautuk Shah
Designation : Associate Professor
Joining date: 17-01-2013
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmacognosy
Experience : Teaching : 9 Y 2 M Industry : –
Email : kautukshah.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext –

Name : Dr. Meenakshi Patel
Designation : Associate Professor
Joining date: 01-07-2006
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Biopharmaceutics
Experience : Teaching : 13 Y Industry : –
Email : meenakshipatel.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 917

Name : Dr. Prachi Pandey
Designation : Associate Professor
Joining date: 20-01-2009
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutics
Experience : Teaching : 12 Y 3 M Industry : –
Email : prachipandey.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 917

Name : Dr. Deepti K. Jani
Designation : Associate Professor
Joining date: 09-04-2009
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmacology
Experience : Teaching : 10 Y 6 M Industry : 1 Y 6 M
Email : deeptijani.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 985

Name : Dr. Digvijay Rana
Designation : Associate Professor
Joining date: 15-04-2015
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmacology
Experience : Teaching : 8 Y 6 M Industry : –
Email : digvijaysinhrana.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 936

Name : Dr. Manisha Lalan
Designation : Associate Professor
Joining date: 16-06-2014
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Technology
Experience : Teaching : 6 Y 3 M Industry : 1 Y 10 M Research : 3 Y 8 M
Email : manishalalan.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 936

Name : Dr. Shalini Sharma
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 11-02-2011
Qualification : M.Pharm., PhD
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmacognosy
Experience : Teaching : 10 Y 4 M Industry : –
Email : shalineesharma29@gmail.com
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 985

Name : Ms. Esha Shah
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 08-02-2016
Qualification : M.Pharm
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Quality Assurance
Experience : Teaching : 2 Y 11 M Industry : 1 Y 7 M
Email : eshahshah.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext –

Name : Patel Ashwini Dilipbhai
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 26-07-2017
Qualification : M.Pharm
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Experience : Teaching : 1 Y 6 M Industry :11 M
Email : ashwinipatel.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details : 0265-2303991 Ext 935

Name: Goswami Pooja
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 24-12-2018
Qualification : M.Pharm
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmacology
Experience: Teaching:- 3 Y Industry:- –
Email: poojagoswami.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details: 0265-2303991

Name: Mr. Shreyash Diwakar
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 18-06-2019
Qualification : M.Pharm
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Experience: Teaching:- 3 Y 4 M Industry:- 2 Y
Email: shreyashdiwakar.bip@bit
Contact Details: 0265-2303991

Name: Ms. Dhruvi Prajapati
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 08-07-2019
Qualification : M.Pharm
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
Experience: Teaching:- 3 M Industry:- 2 M
Email: dhruviprajapati.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details: 0265-2303991

Name: Ms. Mrunali Nemade
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 01-01-2020
Qualification : M.Pharm.
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmacology
Experience: Teaching:- 0 Y Industry:- 7 M
Email: mrunalinemade.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details: 0265-2303991 Ext 917

Name: Ms. Rucha V. Raulji
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 16/01/2020
Qualification : M.Pharm.
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmacognosy
Experience: Teaching:- 0 Y Industry:- 0 Y
Email: rucharaulji.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details: 0265-2303991 Ext 917

Name: Mr. Bhavin D. Pandya
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 01/12/2020
Qualification : M.Pharm.
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Technology
Experience: Teaching:- 0 Y Industry:- 1 M
Email: bhavinpandya.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details: 0265-2303991 Ext 981

Name: Mr. Rushi Trivedi
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 01/12/2020
Qualification : M.Pharm.
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutics
Experience: Teaching:- 0 Y Industry:- 0 Y
Email: rushitrivedi.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details: 0265-2303991 Ext

Name: Mandarawala Mariyambibi Abdulkadar
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 01/12/2020
Qualification : M.Pharm.
Nature of Association: Regular
Specialization: Pharmaceutics
Experience: Teaching:- 0 Y Industry:- 3 Y
Email: mariyambibimandarawala.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact Details: 0265-2303991 Ext 981

Name: Ms. Himani Gurjar
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 14/12/2020
Qualification : M. Pharm
Nature of Association : Regular
E-Mail : himanigurjar.bip@bitseducampus.ac.in
Contact : 0265-2303991

Name : Mr. Nikunj Bhadani
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 14/12/2020
Qualification : M.Pharm.
Nature of Association: Regular

Name : Mr. Ashvin Munjapara
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 14/12/2020
Qualification : M.Pharm.
Nature of Association: Regular

Name: Dr. Hina Dobariya
Designation : Assistant Professor
Joining date: 08/08/2016
Qualification : M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D.
Nature of Association: Adjunct

Name : Mr. Hasmukh Prajapati
Designation : Adjunct Faculty
Joining date: 16/01/2018
Qualification : M.Pharm.
Nature of Association: Adjunct

Name : Ms. Riddhi K Rupapara
Designation : Adjunct Faculty
Joining date: 22/01/2018
Qualification : B.E. (CSE)
Nature of Association: Adjunct
Service Rules
- Faculty members shall abide by the conditions of service, leave rules, discipline, conduct and other rules as may be laid from time to time by Shree Krishna Educational Charitable Trust which is enforced and that may be framed hereafter by the trust/management.
- After the completion of 2 years you will be entitled for the annual increment subject to satisfactory performance, conduct and a good report, thereof, from management.
- In case of any unprofessional contravention, intentionally or otherwise, of the terms of this appointment of service rules as the case may be, the institution reserves the right of taking disciplinary action against you and even termination of your service without assigning any reason thereof. Decision taken by the management will be final and you shall abide.
- Faculty member’s services will also be governed by the rules of governing body of the institute. The management reserves their right to amend, modify, alter or vary the terms and conditions of service including pay scale/promotion etc which if any when amended, modified, altered or varied will be binding on you.
- Any of the documents including qualification/Degree Marksheets/Certificates, Experience/Relieving letter produced and submitted by faculty members at the time of applying and during appointment process if found false, fake or fabricated, your service shall be terminated with immediate effect without any prior notice and you shall have to return along with 18% interest, the entire monetary earnings in terms of salary or any other title earned by you from the institute right from your date of appointment till the date of termination of your service. If such incident arises, the management reserves all the rights to take any legal action against you.
- If faculty member desire to resign from the post, he/she shall have to give three months notice to the institute. However no faculty will be relieved in the middle of the academic year.
- Faculty members appointment is subject to final approval by AICTE & GTU/Government of Gujarat.
- Faculty member should not be associated with any outside business, professional consulting, tutorial, and/or such other outside work, either with or without remuneration, without written permission from management.
- All the faculty members shall subscribe to the provident fund scheme at a rate stipulated by the Employees Provident Fund and the Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952.
- Gratuity shall be paid to the faculty members according to the payment of Gratuity Act,1972 in force or any amendment thereof.
- The institute will deduct Income Tax at source from the salary of the employees as per the applicable rates and terms declared by the Government of India from time to time. The deductions shall be issued by the institute in prescribed Form of Income Tax Act, in the month of May/June each year.
- Faculty members are governed by the following code of conduct, which is not exhaustive:
- Every faculty member shall at all times be courteous towards the parents, colleagues, students, visitors, superiors and co-workers.
- Every faculty member should maintain absolute integrity, a high sense of devotion to duty and standard of conduct. He/she shall be loyal to the institution and abide by the rules and regulations made from time to time.
- Every faculty member should carry out the work assigned to him by his superiors conscientiously in accordance with the specific or general instructions of his superiors and shall maintain discipline at all times in the department or workplaces or premises of the institution. He or She shall also co-operate with his superiors and co-employees and not commit a nuisance and abet indiscipline among others.
- No faculty member shall, at any time, indulge in maligning or falsely implicating the authorities or superiors or institution/college management or members of the staff.
- Every faculty member is required to accept any work allotted to him by the head of the institution in addition to the work allotted to the particular post held by the employee, keeping in mind the ethos and ethics of the institution.
- All the faculty members should follow the faculty dress code guidelines while on duty.
- Faculty member who have been provided with identity card shall wear it while on duty.
- No employee shall knowingly or willfully neglect his duties, moral or otherwise discriminate against a student or any other employee on grounds of caste, creed, language, religion, place of origin, social and cultural background or any of them.
- No employee shall indulge in or encourage, any form of malpractice connected with examination.
- Faculty members should take proper care of machines, tools, materials, equipment, furniture and all other sundry property of the institution, movable and immovable.
- Faculty member should promptly report an accident or hazard noticed by them on the premises of the institution and shall promptly do the needful to minimize the damage forthwith.
- Faculty member should not communicate directly or indirectly an official document or information to any other person.
- No employee shall misuse or carelessly use the material and facilities provided by the institution.
- Leave Rules
- The leave application shall be submitted well in advance and ought to be sanctioned by the appropriate authority before availing of the leave.
- Leave application should be submitted in the prescribed form only.
- Faculty member will receive following number of leaves throughout the year; twelve earned leaves (EL), ten casual sick leaves (CSL), two reserved holidays (RH) and eight casual leaves (CL).
- Maternity Leave (ML) is sanctioned for a period of 135 days (4.5 months), provided she has already served the College for a period of two years immediately preceding the date of her leave.
- Complaints, Grievances & Procedure for its redressal
Whatever the type of grievance may be, the aggrieved person/persons shall be given a patient hearing that grievance be settled as promptly as possible on the basis of facts in a climate of mutual confidence and respect. The endeavor shall also be that the grievance is settled at the point of its origin.